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SPRINgtime realignment
3 quick sessions to REBOOT YOUR PARENTING
Sometimes it feels like everything is difficult -
from the small things (getting out the door on time) to the bigger things (speaking to others with kindness and respect).  
What's up with all the attitude?  
When did it become this difficult to be around your own child?  
You start wondering if you're doing something to bring on all this drama...?  
Deep inside, a part of you feels a little guilty that it's easier to be at work (or anywhere else) than at home.  
You've read everything out there that fits with your values, but something isn't clicking.  
You find yourself creating "natural consequences" over and over, but it feels like you're always playing the bad guy.  
It's got to be easier than this.  
On top of all that, you've got a lot going on.  
Your schedule is full.  
You don't want one more thing to DO.  
You could get a little boost...  A little bit of connection without any judgment whatsoever.  
What if this support didn't require childcare or moving mountains just to squeeze it into your day.
Picking up the phone and efficiently running over what feels most frustrating, most stressful, most stuck in your parenting right now and getting a different perspective and some new strategies to help reboot your system so that you can be the calm, connected parent that you are on your best days.  
And it doesn't require juggling everything and everyone to make it happen.
And you don't have to take out a second mortgage to pay for it.
Imagine making space for a new level of awareness to bring into your most precious relationships... 
So that you can feel effective and grounded, generous and connected.  
SPRING mini-sessions
What you'll get: 


  • THREE 20 minute private coaching sessions by phone

  • Pre-call Focus - get specific in writing (super brief) before the call; no wandering or getting off topic... focused sessions for focused results

  • calls are brief enough that you can connect without arranging childcare or you can schedule one on a work break

  • personalized strategies for your specific challenge to bring focused attention into connecting with yourself and your child
  • multiple coaching calls gives you continuity and support as you implement new methods

  • sessions are conducted by phone - no commuting or additional time, just 20 minutes start to finish

  • schedule online for super efficiency


For $99 you'll receive 3 mini-sessions infused with inspiration, compassion and new strategies - the most accessible way to work with me one-on-one.  There is no better time than now to feel better.  


*NOTE: these sessions are available in APRIL only, so if they speak to you, now is the time!*


Eileen blends professionalism, compassion and understanding in a way no one else can.  I was desperate to learn how to parent in a different way, I knew my methods of 'old' were not in alignment with who I wanted to be and my 5 year old was taking the toll.  Once I started coaching with Eileen, I realized not only is there another way to parent but there is also a way to look compassionately at your parenting and not be so hard on yourself.

That alone was a breath of fresh air!  It has been an incredibly wonderful and freeing experience to watch my parenting transform and my stress around parenting decrease!  It seems to be contagious in the house too! 

Can't thank you enough, Eileen!

~ Caroline Watters, mom of 2



The parents I work with have a lot going on, and adding one more thing to the list can feel daunting.  

I created these limited-time Springtime Realignment sessions to meet parents where they are in the most accessible, affordable and valuable way possible.  


I believe so deeply in the power of this work and I want every parent who longs for more connection and more fun to be able to have an easy - even irresistible - way to get personalized feedback, coaching and tools so they can shift their parenting from just getting by to thriving and enjoying themselves exactly where they are - be it with their kids, at work, out with friends... and especially when they're alone with their thoughts.  


At its core, this work isn't about making our kids be different than they are.  

It's about showing up grounded and clear with an open heart, aligned with one's values so we can receive anything that comes our way with compassion and presence.  

feel more centered...

Get a little support from me and deepen your practice at home with my exclusive downloadable worksheets and bonus materials sent directly to your inbox.  

You'll hear first about new offerings, events, and more...

all in a tidy little monthly note.  

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