Finally, I mustered up my courage and enrolled in a nine month long yoga teacher training program. I didn't think I was ever going to be good enough, but finally was tired of waiting for something that may never arrive. So I stepped in. It was a ton of money to me, and I was scared and excited and nervous and unsure. But I stepped in anyway. Nearly 10 years later, the gifts of that training continue to show up in my life. In fact, that decision changed the trajectory of my life. From owning and responding to that desire to learn more, to grow, to discover… (what, I didn't yet know exactly...) stepping in, I felt the power and the magic of following my own inner compass. I experienced standing in the story of my own heart – which was that I felt fully alive when I practiced yoga, and that a deep knowing pointed me in this direction again and again with more consistency than anything I had yet discovered in my life. I can trace how following that one inner calling has influenced other significant moments of my life: teaching yoga, childbirth, compassionate communication, coaching and sharing my work with others in service of creating more connection, love and ease. Tell me, what was one of your most significant investments?
Something that felt like a true calling about where you were to put your attention, time and energy? Scary but irresistible... Maybe it was an adventure or a person, a philosophy or a training or an experience? Can you remember being drawn to it? Did it feel like a risk? Or like freedom? Or both? Or something else? And can you, too, trace the influence that moment of stepping in and following your heart had on other significant events in your life?
In my experience the perceived risk of stepping in is worth it every time. I'd love to hear from you. And if you're sensing something on your horizon - something that feels scary but irresistible - but you haven't gotten to the place of possibility with it yet, I can help. Wishing you connection with the part of you that always knows.